
RobotReporters.com is an independent media website, bringing you stories and curated news in robotics and artificial intelligence. We are using machine learning techniques to find interesting topics and we produce short, informative videos for most of our stories: ‘Stories of robots, by robots.’

From the truly innovative to the quirky, AI has potential to change the world. There is an urgent need for critical examination of its impact to human safety and human interaction with autonomous robots, impact to our privacy and dignity.


To spread knowledge about innovations in AI and robotics, while promoting the ethical use of technology.


Partly human, partly robotic, our team is using machine learning techniques to monitor the news and then extract, summarize and present interesting topics. We are Python enthusiasts with a focus on NLP.


Our digital journalists have been trained with a powerful facial animation software that uses text-to-speech and lip-sync sofware to vividly animate facial images.

Elsa Chip joined robotreporters.com in 2019 to cover robot stories.
Martin Bott joined robotreporters.com in 2019 to cover artificial intelligence news.