Latest robot headlines October 3

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Search and Destroy: WPI Students Build a Robotic System to Find and Safely Detonate Landmines. A Robotic Solution to Safely Finding and Destroying Land Mines

Robots to cut 200,000 US bank jobs in next decade, Wells Fargo study says. Technological efficiencies will result in the biggest reduction in headcount across the US banking industry in its history.

Autonomous systems for 3-D printers on robotic arms attached to mobile, roving platforms. 

Teams of mobile 3D printing robots could fix bridges on Earth and build them to Mars. N.Y.U. Tandon School of Engineering, is working to make the concept a reality

Picnic’s pizza robot in Seattle

Seattle company cooks up a robot that can make you pizza. After three years of quietly toiling away on a robotic food system, Seattle startup Picnic has emerged from stealth mode with a system that assembles custom pizzas with little human intervention