Our videos or written robot stories have been featured in online publications and even on TV.

Interesting article about RobotReporters.com in SciencePost.fr, an established science & tech website from France, with lots of interesting articles. Merci beaucoup!

Our article and video about Robbie the Robot mentioned on Edge Hill University’s website
Very promising research by Edge Hill University from England: Robbie – he watches TV soap opera to learn about and spot symptoms of dementia, such as depression or aggressive behavior. We have been lucky to be referred to on their related page. We admire your work!

Elsa, our main robot reporter, featured on a Romanian television
Our video about AI-DA the robot has been broadcasted in an episode of the captivating tech series called 2.0 Gadget presented by Ligia Munteanu. DIGI24 is a mainstream TV station from Romania (min 43:58). That was Elsa’s first appearance on TV 🙂 Thanks 2.0 Gadget!

Our video about the Basketball Robot from Toyota
Featured on Redbull.com

Featured on Newsweek Japan

Featured on Intel Corp Germany

Featured on Vodafone.de

Featured on Eurosport eurosport.ru

Our video about Mindar the Buddhist Robot
Featured on anakteknik.co.id from Indonesia

Our video about Apple’s Daisy recycling robot
Featured on MakeUseOf.com

Our video about Apple’s Daisy recycling robot
Featured on “Environmental Information Centre”, non-profit online media established by the
Taiwan’s Environmental Information Association e-info.org.tw

Our video about Apple’s Daisy recycling robot
Featured on fayerwayer.com (Chile) owned by Metro World News Company “We connect millions of people through stories about glocal news and entertainment” in 18 countries, 60 cities, 8 languages

Our video about Apple’s Daisy recycling robot
Featured on https://elporvenir.mx from Mexico

Our video about Apple’s Daisy recycling robot
Featured on https://www.brandcamp.asia/blog/61-Hoc-duoc-gi-tu-cach-Apple-lam-CSR the Vietnam edition