Mindar the Buddhist robot preaches in Japan, and is shaped like Goddess Kannon

The robot was unveiled at Kodaiji Temple in Kyoto to share Buddha’s teachings in plain terms. Mindar is modeled after buddhist goddess of mercy, Kannon. The deity transforms itself into different forms to help people and “This time, Kannon changed into an android”.

The wise robot would “help people who usually have little connection with Buddhism to take an interest” in the religion.

Mindar the robot was created by the temple and MR. Hiroshi Ishiguro, a professor of intelligent robotics at Osaka University,and. It was built by Tokyo-based A-Lab Co.

The robot will be shown to the public between March 8 and May 6.

  • – – Credits – – –
The Japan Times https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2019/02/23/business/tech/robotic-kannon-unveiled-kyoto-temple/#.XHOpxdFS8Wo

The Asahi Shimbun / Video by Yoshiko Sato

Article source:
The Japan Times
ecns.cn http://www.ecns.cn/hd/2019-02-25/detail-ifzevinw9627907.shtml#